Green Impact Insights

Debunked: 5 ESG Myths You Don’t Want to Fall For

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has been a hot topic in the business world as climate change impacts global markets. While it's great that this important theme has been garnering attention, there are some common misconceptions floating around. Let's set...

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The CTO’s Guide to Driving ESG Initiatives

Why should Chief Technology Officers engage with ESG? An effective Chief Technology Officer (CTO) aims to build and align a technology strategy that supports their business’s vision and growth while innovating through emerging technologies to create a competitive...

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How to Manage Scope 3 Emissions

Companies are beginning to adapt to the rise of ESG regulations and calls for decarbonization, but Scope 3 emissions remain a difficult category for many organizations to address. While this type of emission may be the most complex to track, successfully managing...

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EMEA ESG Regulations: A Guide to Compliance and Beyond

As environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors continue to gain prominence in the global business landscape, companies operating in the EMEA region see increasing incentives to align their practices with evolving regulatory frameworks. From evolving...

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The Business Case for Carbon Accounting

So like, what even is carbon accounting anyway? If you've ever asked yourself this question, don't worry. We've got you covered.Want to keep this infographic? Download it here.   Related: Carbon Accounting Software Comparison Related: 5 Steps to a Quality ESG...

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How to Harness Artifical Intelligence for ESG

ESG is gaining momentum in the business world as regulators, investors, and consumers alike become more discerning about how companies are handling ESG initiatives, disclosures, and reporting requirements. As the calls for transparency and emissions reductions grow,...

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Inside the World of a Senior Sustainability Advisor

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be working at the intersection of cutting-edge technology and sustainability? Well, step into Kevin Dole's shoes to see what a typical day looks like as Green Impact's Senior Sustainability Advisor.8am-9am: Preparing for the...

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ESG Regulations: A Guide to Compliance and Beyond

The ESG reporting landscape is becoming increasingly complex as more regulations pass into law, affecting large and small businesses alike. Get ahead of the incoming regulations that will affect your business in the United States with "Navigating ESG Regulations: A...

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ESG Essentials: How to Achieve Executive-Level Buy in

ESG has become essential to the way everyone does business. Yet many sustainability professionals struggle to make the case to the C-Suite to get what their organization needs to achieve their ESG goals. If you find yourself in a position where you are struggling to...

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Carbon Accounting Software Comparison

Carbon accounting is a key component of ESG compliance. Choosing the right carbon accounting platform for your organization is important, but how do you know which one is the best fit? Green Impact has compiled a comparison of the top three carbon accounting platforms...

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